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Kolsai Lakes

Kolsai Lakes, located in the northern Tien Shan mountains of Kazakhstan, are a group of three stunning mountain lakes. Lakes are located near the border with Kyrgyzstan.

Snow tubing in Almaty

Looking for fun. Go for snow tubing. This activity does not require speciall skills and popular in Almaty in winter.

Moon Canyon (Uzynbulak canyon)

Moon canyon is a part of Charyn Canyon less known than Valley of Castles but this is real natural gem of the area. Do not miss it if you plan your trip to Charyn.

Charyn Canyon, Valley of Castles

This is most popular part of Charyn Canyon. It has nice new visiting center. Your reward for hiking along the bottom of the Canyon will be magic views and beautiful Charyn river.

Big Almaty Lake in September

Fascinating Facts about Big Almaty Lake

Discover the fascinating facts and breathtaking beauty of Big Almaty Lake in Kazakhstan. From its glacial origins to its stunning turquoise waters, this natural wonder is a must-visit for nature enthusiasts and travelers. Join me on a tour to experience its charm firsthand.


Turgay geoglyphs can help reveal nomadic secrets, says discoverer

More than a year had passed since mysterious structures were discovered across Northern Kazakhstan in March 2007 by Kostanai resident Dmitriy Dey, but the lack of information on dating and belonging to an archaeological culture prevented making statements about finding ancient monuments of global importance.

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